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Kites Flying in Cloudy Sky



Our mission is to strengthen the civil society in Hungary through the work of non-profit organizations by empowering them in terms of capacity building. To this end, the Non-profit Information and Training Center (NIOK) Foundation has been working and developing its programs to improve the professionalism and effectiveness of non-profits and strengthen their relationship with the public administration, the business community and society as a whole.

Current activities and services

Building Social Base and Embeddedness


In partnership with OSIFE, NIOK Foundation has been supporting CSOs to enhance their embeddedness and sustainability and to improve their constituency building efforts since 2016.


NIOK Foundation provides an intense mentoring and consultancy support for CSOs via its internal and external subject matter experts mainly in the fields of communications and fundraising and in the format of personal consultancy, mentoring, training courses and networking opportunities. The intense support helps CSOs understand their audiences and constituencies better, and build a stronger and more robust social base of supporters, donors and volunteers. CSOs also become able to ‘translate’ the results and statements of their surveys or policy papers for their audiences, and thus engage them to support or finance their missions. They learn techniques to map, monitor and develop their donor-relations, and fundraise for their mission more effectively. NIOK offers services that significantly raise visibility, outreach and fundraising skills of CSOs.

Building Trust and Recognition for CSOs



Civil Society Award – NIOK established the Civil Society Award to raise awareness about unique and innovative initiatives and programs of CSOs that have achieved exceptional impact, generated overarching partnerships in between sectors, or inspire others to make social change. NIOK, in partnership with Civil Compass Foundation, awards CSOs each year in 7 +1 categories, awarding for example the best advocacy initiatives, best fundraising campaigns or most promising newly established organizations.


Building Trust and Transparency - To increase trust amongst donors and supporters, and society as a whole; and in order to strengthen transparent fundraising activities of CSOs, NIOK initiated to establish the Self-regulation Body of Fundraising Organizations ( and is a founding member of the coalition of Ethical Fundraiser Organizations. NIOK and other members created a common code of conduct for transparent operations, and are building a common brand to strengthen trust and enhance the culture of giving.


Technology for Social Good

As a partner of the TechSoup Global Network and a member of TechSoup Europe NIOK equips nonprofits with transformative technology products and services so they may benefit from technology and focus on their mission. In last 10 years NIOK has connected 1900 nonprofits and delivered technology donations (softwares and hardwares) in the value of US$ 10 million from over 10 corporate partners via its technology donation portal

Enhancing the culture of giving and fundraising capacities of CSOs


A donation platform:  NIOK developed and operates the first and most popular crowdfunding portal in Hungary. The crowdfunding campaigns are now integrated into a multifunction donation platform (, where apart from crowdfunding tools, other fundraising tools are available for CSOs.


The crowdfunding campaigns are now integrated into a multifunction donation platform, where apart from crowdfunding tools, other fundraising tools are available for CSOs.


The portal enables non-profits to accept credit card donations and payments online, start match-funding campaigns or use text- or call-to-donate systems.

The site hit Euro 1,5 million in total donations in 2018 just after 5 years of its establishment.

Fundraising and communication consultancy and training courses:

NIOK has developed a consultancy and mentoring service for CSOs to provide them with methodology and tools to run successful fundraising campaigns focusing especially on donations raised from individuals. We specialize in crowdfunding and peer-to-peer campaigns, donor stewardship and upgrading, data-driven campaign analysis and development. Apart from consultancy services NIOK organizes fundraising conferences, meet-ups, and conducts training courses.


Enhancing the culture of giving:

NIOK runs communication campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of giving and to promote campaigns running on the portal. NIOK is the leader of the Giving Tuesday movement in Hungary, joined the initiative to promote philanthropy in Hungary.

Information on nonprofits and for nonprofits


NIOK established and has been operating the portal for more than 15 years now, and issues a weekly newsletter for CSOs that has more than 10 000 subscribers. NIOK shares news on call for proposals, legislative changes, civil society events and networking opportunities, calls for partnership opportunities or training courses. The portal also incorporates a knowledge base on a variety of topics relevant for nonprofits, it provides legal, accountancy, management and fundraising guidelines and assistance. 

For more information, please contact

Anikó Porkoláb

Senior Program Manager


Board members of the NIOK Foundation:

  • Kornél Jellen, board chair, CEO at Net-Investment, investment expert

  • Péter Guzsaly, expert

  • Péter Kirschner, media consultant

  • Gabriella Liptay, communication expert

  • Miklós Marschall, Transparency International, Deputy Managing Director (retired)

  • Tamás Scsaurszki, member of the board of Roots and Wings Foundation

Official data and information:

Registered seat and address: H-1122 Budapest,
23 Maros St., Mezzanine 1

Audited by Ecovis Audit Ltd

VAT number: 18063710-2-43

IBAN code: HU58 16200106-11596972

NIOK was founded by the Non-profit Research Association in 1993 and registered as a foundation in 1994.


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